  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS

HMB : Website

For this project, I was tasked with creating an initial landing page that would allow the user to pick one of five tracks. I also created and implemented the site content and templates using JavaScript and CSS in the Sitefinity CMS.

The landing page has a random video that plays full screen on browsers that support the HTML5 video tag, and falls back to a still image for all other browsers. On top of this is a set of 'orbs' that spin around the center logo and stop when the user hovers over any of them. All of this was accomplished with CSS and custom JavaScript.

The interior pages needed to allow for easy customization through the use of five different themes, as well as a dynamic navigation that would open and close based on the path the user took. Since Sitefinity doesn't support providing a path in its standard menuing system, I had to create a jQuery plugin that would do so. This plugin controls the selection and highlighting of all the navigational items.

Standard tasks performed on this project included writing all HTML, CSS and JavaScript.